Purdue Composite Manufacturing and Simulation Center

Overview of Services

The Composites Manufacturing and Simulation Center (CMSC) at Purdue University leads in cutting-edge composites manufacturing simulation for high-rate and high-performance applications across aerospace, automotive and other sectors. CMSC is dedicated to the future of compostites manufacturing, including the promises of additive manufacturing. Sitting side-by-side, CMSC team members have capabilities spanning manufacturing, modeling and simulation, performance prediction, chracterization, experimental validation, design and prototyping, including rapid fabrication of composites tooling. With this full complement of capabilities, CMSC is the locus for composites design, manufacturing and simulation. In the CMSC, the digital thread for composites manufacturing and performance is at the heart of the center. 10,000+ sq ft of laboratory space for characterization, validation, and verification provides hands-on physical learning experiences that are synergistically linked to digital experiewnces allowing simulation to provide better understanding of the physical world. This approach has led to new innovations in materials, processes and components in composites manufacturing, all driven by simulation.


R. Byron Pipes|Exec. Dir. CMSC

Johnathan Goodsell|Dir of Validation, CMSC

Location and hours of operation

Hours      Location

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET

     1105 Challenger Ave, Suite 100
     West Lafayette, IN 47906


Links and Resources

  1. Purdue Composite Manufacturing and Simulation Center


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