TAP Core


Overview of Services

CyberTAP (Cybersecurity Technical Assistance Program) at Purdue University provides a variety of technical assistance and educational programming aimed at better preparing Indiana businesses to deal with information security issues and the constant onslaught of cybersecurity attacks being experienced.

Our cybersecurity consulting services are customized to fit the client's needs. Information technology risk analysis and regulatory gap analysis is generally where most projects start. CyberTAP's consulting team is capable of conducting a variety of cybersecurity tests to help clients prioritize how best to secure their information assets.

The cyber-range is one of cyberTAP's flagship educational offerings. The range is a real world simulation and training environment that allows trainees to observe, interact and ultimately learn how to handle cybersecurity attacks as they unfold in a live network environment. Trainees will get exposure to commerical security tools such as Palo Alto firewalls, IBM Q-Radar SIEM, McAfee ePO, Microsoft Active Directory, while also having a full suite of opensource tools such as Zenoss Core, Syslog, PuTTy, Snort, wireshark, etc. Trainees will become familar with identifying and responding to attacks ranging from ransomware, to denial of service, to SQL injection. Range training sessions can accomodate groups of 20 students at a time. Trainees can enroll for a single day session or as long as multiple week sessions depending on what simulations and supporting learning objectives are desired.

Other educational offerings range from 1/2 day workshops and seminars for executives, to hybrid (online & in-person) and in-person class offerings addressing cybersecurity fundamentals. Classes vary in length and can be tailored for an organization's need. Intended audiences are organizations needing to upskill and reskill exisiting information technology professionals to be able to address cybersecurity threats.


Mat Trampski George Bailey Carly Turow
Executive Director, TAP Assist. Director, Professional Services Assist. Director, Corporate Education
mtrampsk@purdue.edu baileyga@purdue.edu cturow@purdue.edu

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

cyberTAP: Appointment Only 

HealthTAP: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

2550 Northwestern, Ave

Suite 1300

West Lafayette, IN 47906


Links and Resources

Purdue cyberTAP Website

Purdue HealthTAP Website


Name Role Phone Email Location
George Bailey
Director, cyberTAP

2550 Suite 1300
Mat Trampski
Executive Director, TAP

2550 Suite 1300
Karen Leaman
Executive Assistant, Associate

2550 Suite 1300
Carly Turow
Asst. Director, Corporate Education

2550 Suite 1300
Mike Johnson
Director, TAP Operations

2550 Suite 1300