Z-SATT Test Cell Core

Overview of Services

This rate will provide engine testing services to campus, industry, and military customers. The establishment and start up for this recharge
originated with the “National Test Facility for Fuels and Propulsions Fuel Testing Facility (NaTeF)” research project. The original project was
funded as a result of a "white Pare" proposal through the Department of Defense.

Primary objectives of the project were:

  •  interface the engineering expertise and development directly with application functions and behaviors, provide the requirements data for development of production and sustainability analysis;
  •  provide use data for economic assessments of fuel sources, green implications and sustainability reviews. 


John Mike Davis|Lead Faculty Member

Rikki Cook|Business Manager

Amanda Glidden|Business Assistant, Lead

Getting Started

**For Purdue individuals: First-time users should click "Register"; then select "Register using your Purdue Credentials" in upper right.  Returning students will click "Sign In"

**For Non-Purdue individuals: Before you register, you must be assigned a Business Partner Number and given Purdue credentials to register/login.  

    Please contact the center manager for further information.

Location and hours of operation

Hours      Location

Engine Run Time/Training/Consulting M-F 9-5

Trained Users - Purdue Staff, 24/7

Assisted Use, M-F 9-5

     1401 Aviation Drive
     West Lafayette, IN 47907

Links and Resources

  1. https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/facilities/engine-test-cells
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-SvYk615sI
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4Jks4Rm9h4


Name Role Phone Email Location
John Davis
Core Manager

1401 Aviation Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Amanda Glidden
Business Assistant, Lead


Rikki Cook
Business Manager


